August 2018 Show 'n Share
Several of our members finished their smocked coin purses from our May and July Program. One member finished hers by using a pretty charm.
Here is the detail.
One member used beads around the clasp to add interest.
Here is a close-up.
One member used a strong contrasting color to add interest.
Here is a close-up.
One member created a subtle effect by matching her floss to the fabric.
Here is a close-up.
One member smocked a yellow tulip to add interest.
Here is a close-up. Everyone did such an amazing job!!!
A member finished her Italian smocked egg.
It looks great from every angle....
...and I love the ribbed spider web stitch used on the end!
A member finished her Claudia Newton smocked tape measure.
It turned out so nice!
She also finished this Wee Care gown....
....with a beautiful smocked design in teal....
....and this Wee Care gown....
....with variegated floss stitched into a heart design....
....and an interesting hem detail.
Speaking of Wee Care gowns, one member has been very busy! She made these tiny gowns.
One smocked in a light olive....
.....One smocked in aqua....
....One smocked in pink....
....and One with olive and pink. So sweet!
She also made these precious tiny Wee Care gowns with a edged fabric....
Here is a close-up of the edge.
One smocked in pale yellow....
....and One smocked white on white.
This Wee Care gown that she made has edged fabric at the sleeve.
Here is a close-up of the sleeve edge.
It is smocked white on white....
....and has a fancy pleated hem detail.
She also shared with us how she uses her serger for applying the bias neck edge binding.
Here is a close-up.
She has also been working on some wire wrapping of rocks.
Each is unique....
....and a standout piece of jewelry!
One of our members dressed her Fancy Nancy doll....
....and styled her with this handmade summer purse.
Totally fancy!!!
A member knitted these tiny Wee Care buntings. So precious!
One of our members shared her wedding dress pattern from 1943, a $ 0.15 purchase.
Wow! How cool is that!!!
A member brought the new Victoria magazine.... share this article with the group.
A member and her granddaughter showed us how to make folded fabric ornaments.
It was a wonderful opportunity to learn....
....and expand our creative horizons.
They took us from start....
....step by step....
....half by half....
....using a pattern and directions.... to bottom....
....until we can finish.
These ornaments are so cool....
....and you can create so many different effects. Love it!!!